
Monday, February 1, 2021

“Feb. 1 is National Freedom Day, the anniversary of the approval of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery in 1865. Richard Wright, who was enslaved and became a civil rights advocate and author, lobbied for the celebration of the day.” #nationalfreedomday #slavesfreed #bearheartbottomsetc #wp #fit #like #follow #share #ello #norahstrebmal #slaves #freedom #national #february #first #februaryfirst #february1 #free“Feb. 1 is National Freedom Day, the anniversary of the approval of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery in 1865. Richard Wright, who was enslaved and became a civil rights advocate and author, lobbied for the celebration of the day.” #nationalfreedomday #slavesfreed #bearheartbottomsetc #wp #fit #like #follow #share #ello #norahstrebmal #slaves #freedom #national #february #first #februaryfirst #february1 #free

Bear "Heart" Bottoms, Etc.

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