
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Follow me on Instagram at sharpharmade! Thursday January 12, 2017 is Kiss A Ginger Day. "Fiery red hair, pale skin, and eyes of blue or green. These are the defining characteristics of some of the most amazingly attractive human beings in existence. They were once held as being holy as they were believed to have stolen the very fire of the Gods and imbued their crimson locks with it. This day is your opportunity to steal a kiss from one of these amazingly attractive genetic rarities. This day was established in 2009 by Derek Forgie as part of a Facebook group, intended to offset the far less fun Kick A Ginger Day that takes place in November. After the events of this aggressive event, gingers everywhere were tormented and assaulted in schools all over the world. Redheads are some of the rarest expressions of genetics in the world, true red only being present in 1-2% of the population. While in some parts of the world this color hair is disparaged, and the origin of such phrases as “like a red-headed stepchild”, the rest of the world has an undying love affair with them. Red hair dye is one of the most popular hair care products, and it comes in a wide array of colors, including some never found in nature. As an interesting fact, while Ireland is heavily associated with red hair, those with red hair actually have an older origin. Red hair is a layover from the days of the Viking invasions, bring brought in from immigration and acts of heinous violence against the Vikings’ victims. So, just find one of these individuals and offer to give them a big old kiss as an appreciation for their unique and stunning hair color. Always make sure you have their permission. Or, if you want to be a bit more subtle with your following of this day, give all of your favorite redheads a Hershey’s kiss. Everyone loves chocolate, and even those of the ginger persuasion are no exception. Get out there and have a happy Kiss a Ginger Day! ^sPm - #sharpharmade Fr 'Days of the Year' . #kissagingerday #kissaginger #kiss #ginger #fit #follow #like #awesome #enjoy #wp #fb #twitter #tweet #buffer #tagsforlike #share #pop #blog #linkinbio #lpt #ig #insta . @instagram @sharpharmade

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