
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Follow me on Instagram at sharpharmade! . Wednesday November 9, 2016 is Chaos Never Dies Day. "There are, let’s face it, quite a number of days dedicated to stress relief, calmness and generally taking it easy. All of these days work on the premise that we’re too busy (bustle and hustle), and need to step away from it all for a little while. But the world doesn’t work like that – we’re all busy, all the time, and nothing’s ever simple or quiet! . Chaos Never Dies Day takes the stance that the perfect, quiet moment we’re all striving for and anticipating doesn’t – and likely never will – exist, and that we should make the most of now, chaos-and-all, and embrace the moment." ^sPm - #sharpharmade Fr 'Days of the Year' . #chaos #chaosneverdiesday #chaosneverdies #fit #follow #like #celebrate #enjoy #wp #fb #twitter #tweet #buffer #tagsforlike #share #pop #blog #linkinbio #lpt #ig #insta #neverdies . @instagram @sharpharmade

via Instagram http://bit.ly/2eltNDy

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