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Sunday, November 20, 2016
Follow me on Instagram at sharpharmade! . Sunday November 20, 2016 is Guinness World Record Day. "I think if you come first with a new world record, that is the best. – Haile Gebrselassie World Records aren’t set every day, but world records for new types of things can be. Whether you’re trying to spend the most time hovering a table tennis ball over your mouth (6.35 seconds is the current record) or spend the longest time holding your breath (22 minutes, held by Stig Severinsen) Guinness World Record Day encourages you to stretch the ends of human endurance and creativity, and set that new world record! . Guinness World Record Day was established to give people a day to focus on challenging existing records or putting forth a new record to be put into the books. That latter is for the truly ambitious, but it’s entirely possible! . In fear of being redundant, one celebrates Guinness World Record Day by attempting to break a world record! Some of them you won’t be able to do in one day, so consider this holiday to be your starting gun. After all, one such record is for the “Longest continually supported and updated Game”, an honor which goes to the unique wilderness survival game Unreal World . You can also head on over to Guinness World Records to find out what the latest records are, or just spend some time looking up things like the fastest land mammal, or longest ping pong game ever held!" ^sPm - #sharpharmade Fr 'Days of the Year' . #worldguinnessday #world #worldguinness #worldguinnessrecord #wp #fb #tweet #twitter #buffer #lpt #linkinbio #tagsforlike #follow #like #share #pop #blog #ig #insta #awesome #record #celebrate #enjoy #challenge #beautiful #amazing #awareness #breakarecord #makenew . @instagram @sharpharmade
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