
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Follow me on Instagram at sharpharmade! . Wow, I never, even, knew that there was a such thing as Eyelid Cancer! Like they say, you learn something new, all the time! . I'm kickin' Breast Cancer's Butt! But, let's kick ALL cancer's butt! #‎sharpharmade‬ Bear "Heart" Bottoms, Etc. ^sPm . http://bit.ly/29E65ed . #fit #follow #like #pop #wp #fb #twitter #tweet #buffer #tagsforlike #shar #hope #pink #victory #blog #me #eyelidcancer #cancer #walk #insta #ig #follow4follow #getinvolved #support #prayfortheworld #breastcan #survivor #ello . @instagram@sharpharmade

via Instagram http://bit.ly/29H4uoR

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