
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Meet my new two roommates ... Cleo and Lola! Lola just arrived, today, from England, where she is a lady, and part of the well-known Valet family. She is very fussy about what she is going to wear. Cleo arrived about 2 weeks, ago; AND she is already borrowing ... AND wearing my clothes. As you can see, she is already strutting around, and waiting for Christmas day ... she is ALWAYS ready to party. Cleo, like her namesake, Cleopatra, is far from being your typical woman. Watch out for her; she is quite the tigress. @Instagram @sharpharmade #fit #follow #like #pic #photo #oftheday #dressform #cleopatra #tigress #fb #wp #blog #sewing #seamstress #twitter #tweet #me #roommate #buffer #england #christmas #holiday #ladyvalet #DIY #decorating #toy #lolafalana #awesome #cute #model

via Instagram http://bit.ly/1SNhVnn

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