
Monday, April 23, 2012

How to Start Your Own Craft Business

"Have You Ever Wondered How Much More Enjoyable Your Life Could Be if You Started Your Very Own Craft Business?"

For More Information, click on link below; and you will be taken to the business site ...

  Click Here!

L8r! #Bear Luv and Bear Hugz!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Vintage Patterns From My Personal Collection For Sale!

Just FYI! I am cleaning out, and going through my Vintage Patterns; and removing several, to sale those that I never used, and will never use. Most are almost, if not over, 40 years old; and very hard to find. Some are more harder to find, than others (some scarce, and very scarce); and most , if not all, are Out Of Print (why my prices). You can find them on my website at http://www.bearheartbottomsetc.com/vintage-patterns-for-sale.html or on Pinterest at http://pinterest.com/bearyamazing/vintage-craft-patterns/ ♥ I will be, continuously, adding more. I collected a lot of patterns, fabric, etc., over the years; and, also, have several passed down to me from my mom, and Grandma; most never, even, used! And, that I know, will not be used in my lifetime.

L8r!  #Bear Luv and Bear Hugz!

Some Passover Craft Ideas For Your Kids To Do!

In FaveCrafts own words ...

"Passover begins at sundown tomorrow...here are some great projects and recipes for those who will be enjoying a wonderful Seder this weekend!

Passover begins at sundown tomorrow, but there's still time to craft some of these cute Passover ideas for your Seder! Get the kids involved in creating these colorful Seder Plates is a great way to keep them occupied as you finish up making dinner."

L8r!  #Bear Luv and Bear Hugz!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

An Ode To, and For, My Cousin :(


My cousin's visitation is today, April 1, 2012; his funeral services tomorrow.  I, really, wished that this was an April Fool's joke.  I miss not knowing that he is still with us, so badly!

Due to my health issues, I can't be there to say my final Good Bye; however, this is the next best thing that I can do, for you. I pray that this is found comforting. My love, blessings, and prayer! And, thanks, for your cards, and support, for my youngest daughter's graduations. Until we meet, again. Bye.

Please, click on the above link; and read the rest of my poem.  Thank you!

My cousin will be, sorely, missed!

#Bear Luv and Bear Hugz!