
Saturday, July 23, 2016

Follow me on Instagram at sharpharmade! . Today (Saturday July 23, 2016) is Gorgeous Grandma Day! . "Many people around the world say that we do not do enough to honor our elderly. Just as well, then, that days such as Gorgeous Grandma Day exist. Gorgeous Grandma Day is a time of the year in which we can celebrate the grannies in our lives. Everybody thinks that their grandma is gorgeous – so what could be better than an entire day devoted to acknowledging that fact? Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are well known, so Gorgeous Grandma Day is a natural progression. Now that you know the day exists, hopefully you are already making plans to spend it with your own gran. No matter what your grandmother prefers to do with her time, this is the day in which you can be sure she will have plenty of time to do it – and plenty of people willing to support her." ^sPm - #sharpharmade Fr 'Days of the Year' . #fit #follow #like #pop #celebrate #enjoy #wp #fb #twitter #tweet #buffer #tagsforlike #shar #follow4follow #love #muchneeded #awesome #insta #ig #favorite #blog #grandma #special #gorgeous #elderly #bearyamazing #ello . @instagram @sharpharmade

via Instagram http://bit.ly/2aCWwye

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